How to Uninstall Programs to Make Your Computer Faster
“Why my PC is slowing down?” This is a question asked by the PC users frequently in their surfing time. It is inevitable to the slowing down, however, we can do something to make your computer faster .
Once you have started to work on your computer and build up documents there, the disks are being occupied and the processor is dealing with more and more files and applications at the same time. Your computer is not completely intelligent, which will make some errors when it is running. So there will be junk leftovers, tempory Internet files, the duplicate, fragments, unwanted applications and much more useless things covering the space.
What can be uninstalled to speed up the computer?
*Uninstalling any Programs that you no longer use
You can make your computer faster by freeing up disk space. From Start, click Control Panel to open the Add or Remove programs. Check what programs you have installed and you don’t need in the near future, especially these rarely being used. Don’t hesitate to uninstall software if easy to get them again.
*Uninstalling any fake anti-virus or anti-spyware Programs in your computer
1.WinAntivirus Pro’ 2007, is a rouge AntiVirus program.
2.IEAntiSpyware, also known IE AntiSpyware, is a rogue anti-spyware application by itself but advertises itself as a removal tool.
3.DisableSpyware is the latest counterfeit anti-spyware software. I
4.Atfxqogp Toolbar, or simply known as Atfxqogp or Atfxqogp.dll, is spyware-driven toolbar that promotes fake products or websites.
5.PrivacyWarrior, also known as Privacy Warrior by many computer users, is counterfeit anti-spyware / anti-malware software.
6.PestPatrol, also Pest Patrol, is the latest counterfeit anti-spyware software that generates misleading alerts for computer users.
7.SpywareIsolator is the latest counterfeit anti-spyware software and usually installed itself onto your PC without permission.
8.Malware Bell, also MalwareBell v3.2, a rogue anti-spyware application by itself but advertises itself as a removal tool. It’s a variant of IE Defender or Files Secure.
9.WinDefender2008, disguises as Windows XP or Vista protection software, but it is counterfeit anti-spyware software.
10.Windows Antivirus 2008, also WindowsAntivirus2008, is yet another clone of Antivirus 2008, which is a counterfeit antispyware.
11.WinSpywareProtect, or Win Spyware Protect, is malicious application created to detriment the world of computers, also known as WinSpyware Protect or Win Spyware Protect.
12.XP Security Center 3.6 (or XP SecurityCenter) is a spyware-driven product that screws up your computer and puts your privacy at risk.
13.XP-Shield is counterfeit anti-spyware software that created to mislead computer users.
There are more and the listed are limited to what I have learnt.
*Uninstalling any program in your system disk that can be installed in another disk
You will need to do this just because that you have installed all your programs in your system disk. If you don’t leave enough space for your system disk to run, most of the time the speed is affecting due to that.
*Uninstalling the unnecessary screensaver programs
Programs like 3D Screen Saver, if you have installed too many of them, you will waste a lot of space.
After you have uninstalled most of them, your computer performance can be greatly optimized.